1 of 3
  1. 1.Provide Info
  2. 2.Submit Application
  3. 3.Get Decision & Accept Card

Know if you’re approved for this Card
with no impact to your credit score.

Know if you’re approved for this Card with no impact to your credit score.

American Express Gold Card

Here’s how:

  • Complete the application. We’ll let you know if you’re approved first — without any impact to your credit score.
  • If you then choose to accept the Card, the information we provide to credit bureau(s) may impact your credit score.
For your protection, information submitted to our website during the application process is encrypted with strong encryption methods that may be updated from time to time to remain consistent with industry best practice.

Card Design Selection

Personal Information

Personal Information
Full Name
Name on Card
Your legal last name must be present on your Card.
19 characters remaining
Contact Info
Home Address
Financial Details
If you do not have an SSN, you can enter your ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) here instead.

New to the U.S., but have an American Express account or international credit history in another country? (Optional)

Allow us to consider your international American Express account history or international credit history from select countries so that we can better evaluate your application.

Include all income available to you. If under age 21, include only your own income. Income includes wages, retirement income, investments, rental properties, etc. Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance need not be revealed if you do not wish to rely upon it.
This field only applies if a portion of your income is non-taxable and is optional. Include here any annual income that is exempt from federal income tax. This may include social security, child support, public assistance, disability, workers compensation, and military allowances. If you're under 21, please include your personal income only.